Sunday, December 6, 2015

What to do and what not to do...

Post-operative instructions are always given after the removal of wisdom teeth.
Gauze will be placed in the location of the extraction sites. The patient should bite down on the gauze to apply firm but gentle pressure. This will help stop the bleeding. The gauze should be checked every half hour to forty-five minutes. If the sites are still bleeding new gauze should be placed at the sites. Continue until the sites stop bleeding.
Ice packs can be placed on the outside oh the cheek 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off for the first 24 hours as much as possible. The more it’s done, the less swelling will be seen. After the first 24 hours, the ice can be switched to a warm moist compress on the outside of the cheek, 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off. This will help the swelling that has accumulated to reduce at a faster rate.
Diet should consist of softer foods such as mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, jello, pudding etc.
Elevation of the head will also help. Use pillows to prop the head up or relax in a recliner to keep the head above the level of the heart.
No forceful rinsing of the mouth, no spitting, and no using a straw/sucking/smoking. These actions will create pressure in the mouth and cause the blood clot in the extraction sites to dislodge and expose the bone. This is called a dry socket and can be extremely painful and will need to be treated by the doctor.

Lastly, stay on a scheduled dose of ibuprofen (if medically able to) to help with inflammation and pain management. If there is break through pain, a prescription pain medication prescribed by the doctor can be taken as prescribed and instructed by the doctor. 

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