Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Why do they call them wisdom teeth, do they make you smarter?

 As the story is told, our ancestor’s diet required the need for more chewing power than what is necessary today. Think about it, their diet consisted of harder and tougher foods such as leaves, roots, nuts, meats etc.. Not only that, but they didn’t have the tools and equipment that we have in todays day in age. No forks, knives, food processors…It’s a no brainer that the human body needed all the teeth they could get to get the job done.
Time went on and humans became smarter by implementing new and simpler ways to chew their food. Over the years evolution took its toll and third molar teeth became functionless. So why are they
called wisdom teeth if the need for them has decreased? Humans got smarter and wisdom teeth stopped developing correctly. Clearly they weren’t called wisdom teeth because they make you smarter. The name actually came from the time at which wisdom teeth develop. These teeth are the last teeth in the human mouth to develop and erupt, which in theory is at a “wiser” stage in human life. Therefore third molars were named wisdom teeth. Daily Mail and Science Line are two great sources with much more detailed information. Check out the video posted below for an interesting insight on the whole idea!
Also, listen to this audio clip to learn more about wisdom teeth!

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