Sunday, December 6, 2015

How is the surgery completed?

First, precautions are made by screening off the back of the throat to ensure nothing falls or leaks down into the airway.
The lowers are extracted by making a release incision in the gum tissue. This tissue is peeled back. The bone encasing the teeth is also removed. The teeth are then either removed whole or sectioned in 2 to 4 pieces depending on the tooth’s position. Each section is removed and the socket is irrigated and cleaned out. A stich or two will close the tissue back together.
The uppers are removed making a release incision in the gum tissue. This tissue is peeled back and the layer of bone covering the teeth is removed. The tooth is then elevated out of the upper jaw. A stich is not typically necessary to close the site. This is due to the way the human anatomy allows the tissue to fall together.
After cleaning everything up, gauze is placed on both sides of the oral cavity over the surgical sites.
Check out the animated video below!

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